Basketball League for Over 50

Yes there is a basketball league for those over 50 in Markham on Wed nights.

It is a well run competitive basketball league with 6 to 8 teams and refs. Friendly atmosphere on and off the court.  After the games many of the guys go for drinks.

Markham MMBL Masters League

Is this league for you?  One never thinks they will slow down like the old guys. Then the young guys start asking why you didn’t run for the ball.  When you tell them you were running they don’t understand.  It is at that point you realize you are now the old guy in the gym.  The great thing about the masters league is when you run for the ball you can get it again.   It doesn’t matter how good you are so long as you play with players that are the same level as you.

If you are over 50 and still want to play but do not want to commit to a team or drive out to Markham contact me.  If we get enough guys maybe we can turn one of the Thursday night pickup basketball gyms in Richmond Hill into a masters gym.